Land of Oz

"Oz": Most popularly known from the fictional tale of Dorothy's travels in "The Wizard of Oz" motion picture adapted from the book: "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum.

A fantasy region isolated from the rest of the world that appears as the dream land in the movie, while originally depicted as real in the books.

"Land of Oz" is also a common nickname for Australia

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Impressions

Fearless bugs. Quiet beaches. An endless city. The accent that has both the sophistication of the British and the laid back attitude of the American South. Unpredictable and frequently changing weather (but mostly pretty damn hot). And the nicest people you will ever meet.

 Australia is a complex and unique place. It is the largest island and the smallest continent. They have a culture that is not entirely their own; borrowing bits and pieces from all over the world and putting their own spin on it to form something “Australian.” And what they have created is amazing. 

In my short time here I have already come to 
feel at home. Melbourne is a place with an endless amount of entertainment, from a different pub on every corner to the museums and arts festivals, from the sandy beaches with refreshing water to the clean city streets lined with shops and churches--I don’t think I will ever be bored here. The people are the nicest I have ever met. They apologize when you bump into them, offer directions when you appear lost, introduce themselves on elevators; even their street signs and trash cans are polite saying “give way” instead of yield and “rubbish please” instead of trash. The graffiti says “smile” instead of obscenities.

City at Night from SkyDeck view

Walking around the city, swimming in the water, riding the tram, and even just sitting at a picnic table on campus I am overwhelmed with the promise of adventure. I feel my throat close and the threat of tears come as I realize how happy I am to just be apart of this amazing place, even if it is just for a short while. 

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